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My usual day, but always active
In an environment of constant stress, depression, rising prices and nervousness, we should not forget about our health. At all times, the cheapest and, at the same time, the most effective way to maintain your health has been running. The main thing here is to distinguish between sports and exercise. Sports cripple people, exhausting all the vital forces of the body, physical education - on the contrary restores and strengthens health. In this regard, running, is the ideal solution. He rejuvenates the body as a whole, strengthens the immune system, in general, there is no point in describing all of his useful sides, about it there are megatonnes of information on the web. Running, absolutely any kind of it, is a very boring, monotonous activity, and quickly becomes boring. It is recommended that the beginner runner set a clear achievable goal - to lose weight, increase muscle tone, etc., that is, to motivate yourself to the result. The route for running is chosen, if possible, where there are no or few cars, people, dogs, dangerous places, etc. School stadiums are ideal.