Member story

Dreams exist - to make them come true! The bike is not worth it in traffic! And no longer just taking pictures, but riding bikes!
If you've been driving until now, you've probably been stuck in traffic or circling in search of a parking spot. There is nothing more unpleasant. A motorcyclist has an undeniable advantage over car drivers. It is clear that under the current legislation, he can drive between cars in traffic. He just needs to keep a safe distance, sufficient speed and vigilance. The motorcycle can be parked almost anywhere, and usually you don't have to pay for parking. In addition, there are more and more parking spaces for two-wheeled vehicles only (for example, at the entrance to a hypermarket, under office buildings). Dreams exist in order to realize them. That's why we want to take a ride! Have we been interested in motorcycles from an early age? Would you like to take a cross-country ride on enduro? Cross-country skiing or hiking? Perhaps you didn't have the courage, time or resources to buy a suitable car, or you drove only as a tourist until you finally made the only right decision - to finally become a motorcyclist! What are you waiting for? Act!!! If you are looking for inspiration, read about famous bikers in the book "Motorcycle Expeditions". You will read there, among other things, about Benz Pulko, who in January 1997 was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. It was then that she made the decision that changed her life: to travel the world on a motorcycle. She had never ridden a motorcycle before, didn't even know how to drive a car, and yet five months later she went on an adventure. She was going to travel for two years, and returned five and a half years later! The widespread attitude towards girls on motorcycles is well illustrated in the spirit of "a moth for a girl", and indeed - where is the world going! I see that there are more and more girls on all kinds of bicycles, and fewer and fewer photos of women and motorcycles.