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we are treated by singing!
According to numerous studies, listening and creating music is very useful for relaxing the body and mind. Some people even have a habit of humming something to themselves during stressful situations. This allows them to calm down faster and focus on the problem. It is especially effective to sing a favorite song that a person really likes or is associated with some significant event from his life. With it, you can reduce stress, anxiety and calm the nervous system. A particular advantage of singing is that when maintaining muscle tension, less stress hormones are produced in the blood. When a person sings, the level of anti-stress hormone also increases. That's why singing is considered one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce stress without taking medication. Experts say that regular singing exercises are useful for strengthening the muscles of the throat and chin, which reduces the likelihood of developing apnea and snoring during sleep. Another common problem of modern people is insomnia, which is often caused by stress. Singing will help overcome this and set the body up for a healthy sleep. It is recommended to hum your favorite tunes for at least 10-15 minutes every day so that you can sleep better and wake up well rested in the morning. After hearing their favorite song, most people start singing along to the performer, which significantly improves their mood. That's why singing can also help with depression. Studies have shown that while singing songs, endorphins are released - hormones of joy and happiness. That's why they help fight depression. Another notable health benefit of singing is the activation of the brain. Singing exercises will be especially useful for those who are struggling with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Singing improves blood flow and increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, which is good for brain function. For example, a person who sings regularly improves concentration, mental performance and memory.