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Restaurants outside the city and in nature - at all! The most beautiful restaurant trend of the summer!
My good ones! I want to dedicate today's talk to restaurants outside the city limits! That's wow! Especially in the summer. And in the summer, it's amazing! What do you think a country restaurant is, and what are its characteristics? To begin with, we should divide all out-of-town establishments into two types. The first is, in fact, country restaurants, designed for residents of a certain city. Such establishments are located at a distance of no more than 30 kilometers from the city limits! The distance of more than thirty kilometers is considered by the consumer as serious enough, and such a restaurant is no longer considered to belong to a certain city. Although there are exceptions - various unique concepts that make people overcome a greater distance. The second type - "highway" establishments, designed only for travelers. For the most part, they are located at a considerable distance from major population centers. The main audience in the summer season is the family audience, in the cold season - most often the business audience or business travelers. For example, this year railroad tickets became much more expensive, and many people went on vacation by car. On the roads flowed a string of auto-tourists, heading somewhere in the mountains ... And all of them periodically need to stop somewhere: to rest, relax and refresh. At some point they start looking around for a place to eat. Usually such places are found near roadside markets, and even just "in the field". The most primitive type is a conglomerate of a small market and kiosks with salads and chebureks. Along with them, there are always more worthy enterprises on the big highways. Since it is quite far from the cities, the main clientele is made up of passing motorists. Suburban establishments are fundamentally different from highway ones. This is a much more promising format. Firstly, the clientele of such establishments is close by, i.e. in the nearest town.