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Nature in the summer! What beauty!
Everything blooms and smells and is oxygenated thanks to the trees. Our nature can cure almost anything! I'm going to touch on something specific. I'm sure a lot of people have heard of it - but I want to tell you how it works. Nature heals us both mentally and physically. Nature therapy is nothing! And Dendrotherapy is a method of treating dysfunctions and pathological conditions using trees. The energy of trees is the sum of the energies of the fields that are created by the tissues, cells, atoms and molecules of trees. These fields are utilized in dendrotherapy. This method was known even to our ancestors. Almost all peoples of the world used plants, including trees, to treat their tribesmen. In Western Europe, the ancient Celtic peoples had priests-druids - it is organized in the form of a closed, but not hereditary estate, people who were engaged in astronomy and healing, performed the functions of judges. It was characteristic of them to worship trees and use them to restore people to health. Celts considered trees sacred, felt and used their energy. Long ago, the sick were placed in the hollow of a tree or carried several times through a large cleft in a tree. Nowadays we already have an idea of torsion fields of woody plants (especially those standing far away from roads and settlements), which have a dense and pure aura. It is she who attunes with the field of a sick person and restores it.