Member story

What are your favorite qualities in a partner?
I like when my beloved person only thinks how to make me happy, I observe all his qualities and these qualities bring me closer to his love
I like when my beloved person only thinks how to make me happy, I observe all his qualities and these qualities bring me closer to his love
1. To install the app you need to press “Add to Home Screen” in your browser
2. In the panel that opens, you will be prompted to install the app, click “Add”
After installation, the app opens immediately. You can also open it by clicking the icon on your main screen
If this webpage appears, it means that your browser does not support PWA technology. In order to install the app, you need to download and install the Google Chrome browser.
After installing “Chrome” browser, go to and click "Install" button
After that, you will be prompted to install the app, click "Install" and the icon will appear on your desktop