Member story

Rap party in the circle of their
It's no secret that the main goal of any party is profit, which the organizers disguise, for example, by increasing the number of guests. Every club is interested in its maximum occupancy, because a large number of tickets sold creates an attractive image of the place of rest. An important point: the organizer strives to attract the maximum number of guests to the club. The club tends to stay with their ticket sales and empty the bar as much as possible. But how do you know exactly who to invite? To do this, you need to make a so-called "portrait of the audience" in advance: it can be a group of people by age, status in society, ability to pay, etc. Style party is determined by the venue, its capacity, subject and, of course, personally you. Therefore, only on you and your promotions will depend on the quality and solvency of the party, as well as its nature, whether it is pathos, glamor or democratic. If you want to organize not just one party, but a whole series, you should pay special attention not only to promotions, but also directly to the organization and holding the party. Starter party will be the "face" of your club, so you have to hustle and make a lot of effort to "not get splattered with mud". Pay attention to the way the club's profits from the party. This can be a predetermined amount, i.e., the club rents, or profit is generated from a certain percentage of admission and proceeds from the bar. A private party is a fairly old and proven method. Forbidden attracts - it's a fact. A few words about promotion. As before, "word of mouth" is almost the main and most effective way of advertising and promotion. Therefore, we recommend that you make contact with representatives of leading clubs.