Member story

Ecological outdoor recreation
In summer everyone wants to spend a vacation in nature, enjoy the views and be away from the hustle and bustle of the city. But it is important to do it as environmentally friendly as possible and without harming nature itself. In order not to have to clean up a lot of garbage afterwards, you need to make the right preparations. To do this, you need to Refuse wet wipes and buy an antiseptic. Female hygiene products should be replaced with reusable ones. Disposable utensils should be replaced by reusable ones. Use a thermos or reusable cup for water, not plastic bottles. Put food in containers. And also don't forget the trash bags where you will put your waste later. Don't bring anything new into it, don't take something out of it for yourself. you are guests on this territory and should leave this place as it was before you. Don't break branches, don't tear grass, don't leave anything behind, don't feed the animals with your food. Do not disturb the local flora and fauna. Take away as much as you brought. Everything that was in your backpack should come back with you. Some people think that since they put the trash in bags, it's okay to leave them there, because they cleaned up after themselves. But they didn't. You must take all the bags with you. Litter can be inconspicuous but destructive. Don't leave steers, pieces of paper, lids on the ground. You can only put on the ground what you will pick up afterward. Do not bury inorganic trash. Leaving an apple stump or potato peel is acceptable, as it is organic garbage. But never leave something in the ground that cannot decompose quickly and naturally. Stay eco-friendly and conscious on your journey!