What is structured conversation?

A structured dialogue is a dialogue that, first of all, makes sense and sets the goal of achieving the desired result. Most often, the concept of structured dialogue is applicable to business meetings or dialogues where at least one of the interlocutors has a goal.
The ability to speak and negotiate correctly is a superpower that will lead you up the career ladder and help you find friends, recognition and love.
Often these conversations have 4 components.
- Introduction. In other words, small talk so that negotiators can relax.
- Main part. This is the part of the conversation where you talk about your goals or needs.
- Discussion. This is the part when you discuss the main part with your interlocutor and come to a general conclusion.
- Completion. This is the part where you summarize your negotiations.
For a structured dialogue, it is important to adhere to special rules: be polite, do not be rude, do not show aggression, do not interrupt the interlocutor.
Respect the interlocutor, do not burden your speech with complex words, terms, and phrases.
Even if he has five higher educations, he is unlikely to want to delve into the essence of your proposal through the jungle of allegories and tricky words.
Even Einstein told us to simplify everything that is possible. Remember, even deeply scientific topics can be spoken in "human" language.
Do not try to give yourself status with the form of conversation. An intelligent person will understand who you are anyway.