100+ Best Conversation Starters For Couples

Here are more than 100 best conversation starters for couples who want to connect with each other, including deep, sexy, and funny questions to ask your partner or spouse for any occasion:
1. What's your ideal way to spend your vacation?
2. What makes you not love a person?
3. Do you consider yourself a confident person? Why or why not?
4. What are you most proud of?
5. What would be your best version of yourself?
6. What life experience did you miss?
7. When are you really you?
8. What musical instrument would you like to play?
9. What's the best compliment you've received?
10. To what age would you like to live?
11. Under what circumstances did you quarrel with some of your close friends?
12. When did an ordinary event or accident completely change the course of your life?
13. Are you / are you satisfied with the people you surround yourself with? Why why not?
14. If you could go to any country in the world for one month, where would you go?
15. What is your favorite memory of someone who is no longer in your life?
16. How superstitious are you?
17. What has been a recurring theme in your life?
18. What was your most inappropriate or embarrassing fart?
19. What do you think happens after death?
20. What are your top five rules for life?
21. What is your favorite thing in your / our house?
22. What book or movie would you like to see for the first time?
23. If you had a friend who spoke to you the same way you talk to yourself, would you keep him as a friend?
24. What little things do people get on your nerves?
25. What gives meaning to your life?
26. What would you like to tell people but can't?
27. What traits in people do you find most attractive?
28. What secret have you never told anyone?
29. What little treats do you enjoy the most?
30. Who is the most annoying person you know?
31. What's your biggest mistake so far?
32. What have you struggled / struggled with all your life?
33. What is the most significant change you would like to make in your life?
34. What do you want from life?
35. What calms you the most?
36. What things do you find disgusting?
37. What would your ideal life look like?
38. If you were paid to follow your dreams, what would you do / do?
39. What is your most embarrassing story while you were sick?
40. What friend have you not remembered for a long time?
41. What's the craziest thing that happened at your job?
42. With whom do you behave well, but secretly dislike?
43. If money weren't an issue, how would you decorate your / our home without my help?
44. How well do you read people?
45. Do you see your future positively?
46. Who do you want to be like / be like, or who do you look up to the most?
47. What have been the healthiest and most unhealthy times in your life?
48. What was the most intense emotional or mental pain you experienced?
49. What do you like best about where we live?
50. What are you worried about?
51. Where did you screw up / screw up and then tried / tried to hide?
52. What's the scariest / creepiest place you've ever been?
53. Do you think the world is getting better or worse? Why?
54. How do you think society is changing? Will we change with him?
55. Worst thing people are proud of?
56. What is the biggest betrayal you have experienced?
57. What would be the best gift?
58. What are you afraid of?
58. What makes you feel super cool / cool?
59. What would you like your obituary to say?
60. What takes up too much space in your life?
61. What is the saddest or most joyful realization that you have achieved?
62. What was the hardest lesson you had to learn?
63. Would you take $ 3 million if it meant that the person you hate the most in the world will get $ 9 million?
64. What part of you as a person still needs a lot of work?
65. What words of wisdom are stuck in your head?
66. How well do you know yourself?
67. What's your best flaw?
68. How do you forgive?
69. Tell me about the time you almost died.
70. Are you ashamed of what you have done in the past? If it's convenient for you to talk about it, what was it?
71. Do you prefer to live in the countryside, in the city or in the metropolis? Why?
72. What are your fondest memories of a tree / trees?
73. What sensations are the most pleasant for you?
74. How much space / time alone should people be given when they are in a relationship with each other?
75. What questions should partners ask each other before getting married?