Small Talk Questions about Weather

Good way to start a conversation is to talk about the weather. Everyone, everywhere is always talking about the weather! Here are examples and useful phrases for small talk about weather
Meeting a neighbor on the street, in an elevator with a colleague, or in line with a stranger can sometimes be so important to be able to strike up a casual conversation.
It would seem, what could be easier than to exchange two or three polite phrases?
In fact, talking about everything and about nothing is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.
One thing pleases: this art can be learned.
Weather is the best topic to be involved in.
Sometimes the interlocutor will throw a few phrases about the morning fog out of politeness, and sometimes he will express himself very emotionally about the rainstorm that caused the traffic jam.
One thing is clear, it is extremely difficult to get confused when talking about the weather, which is why the topic is universal.
If you don't know where to start, here are a few phrases that will help out:
How’s the weather today?
What’s the temperature like out there?
What’s the weather forecast?
Is it hot or cold?
The weather is awful, isn’t it?
The weather is nice, isn't it?
Do you like such weather?
The most popular topic for small talk is the weather. Moreover, communication experts advise not to perceive this topic as too commonplace. It all depends on how you talk about the weather. If you say: "Nice weather, I can finally go surfing" - you can smoothly move on to the topic of "hobbies".