77+ Small Talks Topics for an interview

Before the interview, you can ask any topics of conversation that have been mentioned in previous blogs, however, during the next question during the interview, it will be quite inappropriate to discuss the weather, so we have collected 77 of the most popular interview questions for you. Answering them, you can apply a life story to start a small talk. Your potential boss will appreciate this.
1. Tell about yourself
2. How would you describe your outlook on life
3. Why did you choose this particular job (profession)? When and under what circumstances did this happen?
4. What attracts you to work with us in this position?
5. Why should we hire you for this job?
6. What are your strengths? What are the above-mentioned manifestations?
7. What are your weaknesses? What are the above-mentioned manifestations?
8. Why did you quit? What is the reason for your desire to change jobs?
9. Why are you not satisfied with your current place of work (for those who still work)
10. Do you have any other job offers?
11. How well have you passed interviews elsewhere?
12. Does your personal life interfere with your work?
13. What are your plans in 5-10 years
14. What changes would you make in a new job?
15. Who can recommend you?
16. What prevented you from being realized in the previous place?
17. Tell us about your last boss
18. What level of payment do you expect?
19. What can you tell us about your professional connections?
20. How do you improve your qualifications? When was the last time?
21. What do you like to do in your free time from work?
22. In what time frame are you ready to move to a new location?
23. How was your normal working day at your last job?
24. What knowledge do you have and what is not enough for this job in your opinion?
25. Are you satisfied with your career? Explain your answer
26. What goals did you have in your last place of work?
27. Did you manage to achieve them? Explain
28. What prevented them from achieving
29. What helped
30. What would your manager say about you? How would he describe you?
31. What would colleagues and subordinates say?
32. What key lessons did you draw from past experiences and what goals did you set for your job search?
33. Are there competencies that need to be improved to improve your performance?
34. How exactly do you plan to do this?
35. How exactly do you plan to join the team? What do you think is important to do for this?
36. What makes you work hard and with particular tenacity?
37. How long do you plan to work with us?
38. Tell us about your achievements
39. What are you especially proud of, and why?
40. How do you handle heavy loads? Give an example from past experience
41. What do you know about our company
42. Do you have any other hobbies or hobbies besides work? Tell about them
43. What is important to you when choosing a job?
44. What is more important: work or family?
45. How do you imagine an ideal boss, what are the five most important qualities for you?
46. Do you consider yourself a conflicted person?
47. If you have a bunch of tasks, how would you prioritize? Give an example
48. What were you criticized for in your previous job?
49. Describe the company you would like to work for
50. How do you deal with challenging tasks at work? Give an example of a situation
51. Have you made mistakes in your past job? Give an example of the biggest one
52. What are the risks if we hire you for this vacancy?
53. Five first steps on the first day of work
54 How far in advance do you plan your load at work?
55. Why, in your opinion, does the staff steal at one enterprise and not at another?
56. What would you do if you won a million euros in the lottery?
57. Which three books have helped you the most in your work? What are they about? Key thoughts from there
58. Do you have children? Are you planning more?
59. How do you feel about planned and unscheduled processing?
60. What bad habits do you have?
61. What tasks do you like and know how to solve the most?
62. What is your main dream - what is it about?
63. Do you consider it necessary to be frank with us when answering all questions?
64. Why do you need to fire staff without hesitation?
65. What do you think best motivates staff to work best?
66. Do you go to church?
67. Who will you vote for in the elections?
68. Tell us about the problem that you could not solve
69. What annoys you the most? Explain
70. What is the most difficult part of your job and why?
71. Have you ever wanted a promotion? Did you manage to get it