What is conversation cards?

What are conversation cards?
Here are some definitions of this and way of use.
Sometimes the questions are designed to challenge social norms, bring down unconscious bias and tear down the invisible barriers of societal expectations.
These products are for parents who want to find different ways to engage with their kids, and start thoughtful conversations about equality.
Surely every parent knows how difficult it is to find a common language with a child, no matter how old the child is - 3 years old or 13 years old.
Different generations - different interests, that's understandable. But it is necessary to find a common language, parents need communication with their children, interaction with them, in exactly the same way as it is necessary for the children themselves.
Very often the parent does not know what to ask his child, the conversation turns out to be tense and, as a rule, short. And children, for their part, are not delighted with the stupid and ridiculous questions of their parents.
Cards aimed at resolving conflicts of interest among generations have already found their embodiment in life.
These are all sorts of board games that the whole family can play after dinner. Games are about interaction.
But there is another way to bridge the gap between parents and children and establish effective communication - talking during a family lunch or dinner.
The questions that are on the cards will bring parents and children closer together, brighten family lunches and dinners with a pleasant conversation.
The production of such products for the whole family is especially important in our time.
Firstly, people like all sorts of intricate and interesting ideas, and secondly, parents make every effort to establish effective communication with their children.
There are tons of different cards for different topics. They are suitable not only for parents and children, but also for adults, friends, married couples, for a friends company and many different topics are discussed in them.